Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Riddles are fun, riddles are puzzling! They ring a bell in our brains and bring a giggle to our lips. Can you solve the riddles below? Do they have more than one solution? Good luck!

What is always light when it is dark?

What tells but never listens?

What always returns even though it is hit?

What isn't there when you look at it?

What gets slower when it hurries?

What listens but never tells?

Can you think of an original riddle to share?


  1. what listens but never tells ?? a mouth ?

  2. A black light.

    A news cast

    A baseball

    An imaginary friend

    A slow motion effect

    A true friend

    ~Lexie B.

  3. A light bulb

    A politician

    A Baseball


    Slow Motion

    A friend

    *What goes up but never comes down?*

  4. If you look you cannot see me. And if you see me you cannot see anything else. I can make anything you want happen, but later everything goes back to normal. What am I?

  5. What can a dog do that a man steps in?

  6. What look as if it is there but truely isnt?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Peyton: a dog pants and a man steps in pants:)

  9. 1. Your mind?
    2. A Book?
    3. Paddle Ball?
    4. An Illusion?
    5. Time?
    6 Ear?

  10. Hiroshima
    Talking Carl
    Naploeon Dynamite

  11. What tells but never lisens? A CLOCK!

  12. A light
    A mouth
    A baseball
    A something imaginary
    A something that tries too hard
    A animal

  13. A butcher's height is 5 feet and 4 inches. What does he weigh?

  14. 1. A feather
    2. A clock
    3. A baseball
    4. A voice
    5. A clock
    6. A dog

  15. sun




    marathon runner


    * A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left alive?

  16. 1. What is at the beginning of eternity, the end of time, the beginning of every end, and the end of every place?

    2.My friend calls me up and says"I've invented a liquid that dissolves everything it touches, do you want to invest in my discovery?" I say "maybe, let me examine it." "Okay, I'll bring a liter over right now," he replies "Never mind, I'm not interested anymore," I tell him. Why did I lose interest?

    3.Is it legal for a man to merry his widow's sister?

    4.What get's wetter and wetter the more it dries?

    5.If 3 dogs catch 3 cats in 3 minutes, how many dogs would it take to catch 100 dogs in 100 minutes?

    6.What 5-letter word becomes shorter when you add 2 letters to it?

    7.Look at the dollar bill. How many heads does it have?

    8.A man builds a huse with four sides. Strangely, each side faces north. A bird goes by the house. What kind of bird is it?

  17. To Dillan: he lost intrest because the container would be dissolved, and then everything around it would be dissolved.

  18. What tells but never listens:A book. it tells a story, and it doesnt listen to you.

  19. There are 3 doors. Door #1 is an endless hole, door #2 there are lions that have not eaten in a year, door #3 there are assasins trying to kill you. Which door do you choose.

  20. Joel: knowing sheep, they all followed the example of another and they all died.
    Dillan: dogs dont catch dogs, short becomes shorter when you add two letters to it, yes it is legal, and a sponge gets wetter the more it dries.
    Riddles: A black dog is sleeping in the middle of a black road that has no streetlights and there is no moon. A car coming down the road with its lights off steers around the dog. How did the driver know the dog was there?

    A word I know, six letters it contains, subtract one, and twelve remains. What am I??

    A man was born in 1898
    He is still alive now
    at the age 33
    How is this possible ?

  21. joel- 9 sheep are alive

  22. you pick the door with the assasins and take their weapons.

  23. The Sun
    A TV News Channel
    To Megan-Door 4
    To Dillan- 1. God

  24. What is always light when it is dark?
    A light bulb
    What tells but never listens?
    A clock
    What always returns even though it is hit?
    A baseball
    What isn't there when you look at it?
    What gets slower when it hurries?
    Slow motion
    What listens but never tells?
    A friend

  25. megan the lions because they would be dead if the didn't eat in a year

  26. for emily sorry that was a typo the dogs are chasing cats

  27. The other side of the planet
    My brother
    A ball?
    Infrared light
    Us when we run the mile

  28. firefly
    clock tv books ears
    air cameleon
    someone who is trying to run when they are out of breath
    what is as big as you ,but weighs nothing

  29. braxton you don't hit boomerangs

  30. megan- door 2, the lions would have starved to death.

  31. Dillan's first question- E

  32. What is always light when it is dark?

    Light is always light when it is dark because there is light somewhere else when it is dark.

    What tells but never listens?

    A clock

    What always returns even though it is hit?

    A punching bag when you hit it really hard

    What isn't there when you look at it?

    Nothing because there is nothing there.

    What gets slower when it hurries?


    What listens but never tells?

    A pet

    Riddle: What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?

  33. a black candle burning
    a clock
    a baseball
    a person
    a priest
    what tastes good but can be addicted?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I went to the garden and got it, when I came into the house I cried because of it. What is it?

    1 3 4 7 11 What is the next number in the sequence?

    What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?

    Some months have 31 days and others have 30. How many months have 28 days?

    How many different species of animals did Moses take in the ark?

    How many times can you subtract 5 from 25?

    What is it the more you take, the more you leave behind?

    A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a week long trip. Before he left, he gave Sarah 7 apples. Why?

    A pipe, a carrot and couple sticks are together in a field. Why?

    Agatha spent several days in the hospital. She wasn’t injured and she wasn’t sick, but she did have to be carried out when she left. Why was she in the hospital?

    What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything?

    When you have me, you feel like sharing me. But, if you do share me, you don’t have me. What am I?

    I can fly, but I have no wings. I have 2 arms; a big one and a small one. Also you can’t see or touch me. What am I?

  36. You can take away my letters, my name stays the same. The letters you take I'll never reclaim. Who am I?

  37. ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. Peyton- A mailman

  39. There are 20 birds on a fence. A farmer shoots down 3. How many are left??

  40. What falls, but never breaks; and what breaks but never falls?

  41. If you break me I don't stop working, If I stop you will die, If you lose me nothing will matter to you anymore. What am I?

  42. A towel gets wetter the more it dries you.

  43. 1 The Sun
    2 A TV
    3 Baseball
    4 A sound
    5 A car because it could crash
    6 A microphone
    My riddle is, what sits but never stands?

  44. To Alec:20 you only said he shot down three, they weren't necessarily on the fence

  45. the sun

    your mouth



    a movie

    time when your waiting for something to happen

    your ears
